Who Is Responsible For Tree Trimming Near Power Lines?

Trees and power lines don’t tend to mix well. If a tree grows too close to a power line, it can cause major problems—including power outages and fires. But who is responsible for tree trimming near power lines or removing a tree that is growing too close here on the NSW Central Coast? Let’s take a look!

Man Trimming A Tree

Who Is Responsible For Tree Trimming?

If you live in NSW and there is a tree on your property growing too close to the power lines on your street, it is your responsibility to keep it maintained. Failing to do so may result in damage to the power lines supplying your street with electricity, not to mention potential damage to your neighbours’ and council property.

However, if there is a tree too close to powerlines and it’s growing on council property, such as a nature strip or easement, then your local council is likely responsible for its maintenance and any damage it may cause if left unchecked.

If you’re unsure if your tree is on council land or part of your own property, contact your local council office and ask them to come out and check it for you.

There’s A Tree On My Property Near Power Lines – What Do I Do?

If there’s a tree on council land that’s too close to your power lines, it’s best to take some photos and contact your local council to request they carry out any necessary maintenance before damage occurs.

If the tree is growing on your property, then it’s up to you as the owner to take care of any potential issues. Depending on how close it is to the power line, you may need to hire an arborist or other professional service provider who specialises in safely trimming and removing trees near power lines. Be sure that whoever you hire is properly insured and qualified for this kind of work; otherwise, it could put you and those around you at risk of injury or even death.

Arborists and tree specialists have the equipment, experience and skills necessary to safely maintain your trees. Their services include:

Tree & stump removal: An arborist will be able to identify any potential problems with a tree before removing it, as well as determine whether it should be removed at all. They will also assess the risk of any damage that might occur during the removal process.

After the tree is removed, the stump may be ground down and removed. This prevents regrowth and further damage from occurring. It can also help improve your lawn’s visual appeal, especially if you plan on landscaping around the area where the tree was removed.

Storm damage tree removal: Storms can have devastating effects on trees, causing them to become unstable and potentially hazardous to homes and people nearby. In such cases, hiring an arborist to remove it is the safest option. An arborist will be able to remove it quickly and safely to prevent further inconvenience.

Tree trimming: If your tree has grown too close to power lines, it can be a serious safety hazard. Arborists have the expertise and experience to safely trim trees without causing harm or additional damage. They will also have access to specialised tools, making it easier for them to reach any difficult-to-access areas on your property.

Mulch & firewood: If you have unwanted trees and branches on your property, hiring an arborist to convert them into mulch and firewood is a great way to repurpose them. This process also conveniently reduces the mess from disposing of branches and leaves while providing useful products such as mulch and firewood.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

When it comes to trees and power lines, preventing disaster is always better than cleaning it up once it strikes. If you have trees on your property that need maintenance, look no further than All Tree Solutions! We are committed to providing our customers with comprehensive tree trimming services that are safe, effective and affordable. Get in touch with us today via our contact form or call 0400 032 228—you won’t regret turning to All Tree Solutions for all your tree care needs!