How To Prepare Your Backyard For Bushfire Season

Summer in Australia brings very hot temperatures, and while we all enjoy basking in the sun, this heat does present a problem: bushfires. To ensure you’re prepared, it’s important to take precautions on your land and create a bushfire survival plan for your backyard. In this blog, we’ll explain how you can prepare your backyard for bushfire season so that you’re ready.

Green Lawnmower Being Used On Garden

1. Trim your trees regularly

It’s important to trim your trees so that they aren’t touching power lines or branches from other trees. If your trees are touching, a fire is likely to spread much more quickly. Dead branches will also catch fire much easier, so make sure you’re checking your trees regularly and removing any that you find.

Working at height or around power lines can be dangerous for people who aren’t trained to do so, so it may be worth hiring a professional to carry out regular tree maintenance for you.

2. Clear your land of any dead vegetation

It is important to clear dead vegetation from your land. Dead leaves and plants will ignite easily, acting as fuel and causing the fire to travel quickly. The easiest way to clear vegetation is to use an electric blower before collecting up the debris for safe disposal.

If you don’t have access to one of these tools, you could hire a professional who will get the job done quickly and efficiently. If you decide to do it yourself, make sure you’re wearing appropriate clothing, including long sleeves, long pants and sturdy shoes.

3. Plant trees that are less likely to catch fire

Planting trees that are less likely to catch fire can help to prevent bushfires from spreading. They can do this because the amount of moisture in the leaf tissue of the plant is enough to stop the fire. Shrubbery that has a low oil content can also help to prevent bushfires from travelling quickly due to their flammable resistance. Some trees to consider planting include:

Evergreen Trees

  • Arbutus
  • Eleocarpus
  • Citrus trees
  • Feijoa
  • Magnolia grandiflora
  • Acacia howitii

Deciduous Trees

  • Prunus
  • Cupaniopsis anacardiopsis
  • Malus
  • Cercis
  • Pyrus
  • Ulmus chinensis

It’s worth noting that some of the most flammable trees, and ones to avoid planting, are pines, eucalyptus, Cyprus and other natives.

4. Keep flammable objects away from your home

Do not store flammable objects, such as gas bottles or chemicals, in your backyard. If you do store them nearby, make sure they’re kept in a fireproof container. These can easily ignite and worsen any bushfire if one reaches your backyard. It’s also worth keeping a bucket of water in your yard that is easy to reach and use if a fire spreads to your land. During bushfire season, make sure no wooden furniture, toys or planks are laying around.

5. Mow your grass regularly

As bushfire season approaches, it’s important to keep your backyard tidy. Mowing your lawn regularly will keep the grass short and healthy, with the ideal height for most lawns during the summer being between 2 and 4 centimetres (1/8 to 1/2 inch). To make sure that your backyard doesn’t pose an immediate threat during bushfires, you should:

  • Mow the grass once a week at a minimum; twice a week if possible
  • Keep mower blades sharp; this helps maintain an even cut when mowing
  • Water the lawn well if there is a bushfire warning

By following these tips, you can enjoy your backyard and keep it safe from bushfires. Here at All Tree Solutions, we can help you with all of your bushfire safety needs, providing bushfire land clearing to prepare your home for the warm summer months. We can also help you with all your tree trimming needs, so for further information, contact our team today.